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Flexi cap funds for retirement planning

flexi cap fund
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Flexi cap funds have emerged as a popular investment choice for individuals planning their retirement. These funds offer a flexible investment approach, allowing fund managers to invest in companies across market capitalisations based on the prevailing economic conditions. In this article, we will explore how flexi cap funds work and why they are suitable for retirement planning.

  • Table of contents
  1. How do flexi cap funds work?
  2. Why are flexi cap funds suitable for retirement planning?
  3. Factors to consider when choosing flexi cap funds for retirement planning
  4. How can flexi cap funds be used in retirement planning?
  5. FAQs

How do flexi cap funds work?

A flexi cap fund is a type of mutual fund that has the freedom to invest across the market capitalisation spectrum, including large cap, mid cap and small cap companies. Flexi cap fund managers, therefore, change the allocation between market caps according their market outlook. In contrast, multi cap fund managers must stick to a predefined allocation across market capitalisations irrespective of the market conditions.

Therefore, a flexi cap fund provides the fund manager with freedom to experiment with investment choices and diversification possibilities. This dynamic approach allows these funds to adapt to market movements and potentially capitalise on opportunities wherever they arise.

Why are flexi cap funds suitable for retirement planning?

Flexi cap funds are suitable for retirement planning due to their dynamic investment strategy. Since retirement planning is a long-term endeavour, having the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions is crucial. Several other factors make flexi cap funds ideal for building a substantial corpus for your retirement years:

Balanced risk and return: By blending relatively stable large cap companies with growth-oriented mid cap and small cap stocks, these funds offer a diversified portfolio that seeks to balance the risk and return potential. This diversification helps mitigate volatility and prevents significant erosion of capital during market downturns, while still offering the potential for long-term wealth creation.

Growth potential: Over the long term, smaller companies generally tend to outperform larger ones. Flexi cap funds, with their exposure to mid cap and small cap stocks, have the ability to tap into this growth potential.

Active management: Experienced fund managers constantly monitor and adjust the asset allocation based on market conditions, ensuring your portfolio remains balanced and poised to benefit from emerging opportunities.

Long-term focus: Retirement planning necessitates a long-term investment horizon. Flexi cap funds are suitable for such timeframes, allowing the market fluctuations to average out and potentially generate substantial returns over a period of 10-20 years.

Factors to consider when choosing flexi cap funds for retirement planning

Investment horizon: Choose funds with a proven track record and a long-term investment philosophy that aligns with your retirement timeline.

Expense ratio: Look for funds with lower expense ratios, as these minimise management fees and optimise the actual return potential.

Fund manager track record: Research the fund manager's experience and performance to ensure their investment strategy aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Risk tolerance: While offering risk mitigation through diversification, flexi cap funds still carry some inherent risk due to their exposure to mid cap and small cap stocks. Assess your comfort level with volatility before investing.

How can flexi cap funds be used in retirement planning?

Start early: The longer your investment horizon, the greater the potential for compounding returns. So, start investing in flexi cap funds as early as possible to enhance their long-term return potential.

Systematic investment plans (SIPs): Investing through SIPs in flexi cap funds can help you build a substantial retirement corpus with small, periodic contributions while managing market volatility effectively.

Review regularly: Review your portfolio regularly to check if the asset allocation matches your evolving financial situation and risk tolerance.

Bajaj Finserv Flexi Cap Fund

The Bajaj Finserv Flexi Cap Fund is an open-ended equity scheme that invests in large cap, mid cap, and small cap stocks. The scheme aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by primarily investing in equity and equity-related instruments across different market capitalisations. However, it's important to understand that while the scheme strives to meet its investment objectives, there is no guarantee of returns. Hence, it is advisable to consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


Flexi cap funds offer a powerful tool for potentially achieving a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. With their balanced approach to risk and return, growth potential, and active management, these funds can be a suitable for building a substantial corpus for your retirement years. Remember, diversification and a long-term perspective are key. So, choose a suitable flexi cap fund work towards a financially stable and rewarding retirement.


Can flexi cap funds guarantee a fixed income in retirement?
No, flexi cap funds cannot guarantee a fixed income in retirement. These funds invest in stocks across market capitalisations and are subject to market risks and fluctuations. While they offer potential for significant capital appreciation over long term, returns are not guaranteed.

How often should I review and adjust my investments if I invest in flexi cap funds for retirement planning?
It's advisable to review your flexi cap fund investments for retirement planning regularly, typically at least once a year. This allows you to assess the performance of the fund, review changes in your financial goals, and ensure that your investment strategy aligns with your retirement objectives and risk tolerance.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
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