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What is compounding in mutual fund investments and how it is calculated?

what is compounding
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Investing is a powerful tool for building wealth and potentially securing your financial future. Among the concepts that guide successful investing, compounding stands out as a key factor. Understanding how the phenomenon of compounding works is essential for any investor who wants to maximise their return potential.

In this article, we will explore the meaning of compounding, its importance in investing, and how it plays a crucial role in mutual fund investments.

  • Table of contents
  1. What is compounding in mutual funds?
  2. How Compounding Works
  3. What is the formula for compounding?
  4. The role of time in compounding
  5. Harnessing compounding for wealth-building

What is compounding in mutual funds?

Mutual funds are a popular investment vehicle that harnesses the power of compounding to help investors grow their wealth over the long term. When you invest in a mutual fund, your money is pooled with that of other investors and managed by professional fund managers.

These managers allocate the pooled funds to a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and funds. As the underlying assets potentially generate returns, those returns are reinvested in the portfolio. This reinvestment generates additional returns, resulting in a compounding effect. Over time, this can have an exponential effect on the investment. The longer you stay invested, the greater the cumulative effect on your potential returns.

How compounding works

The effect of compounding can best be shown through an example. If you invest Rs. 100 and earn 5% interest per annum, you will have Rs. 105 at the end of the first year. In the second year of investment, you will earn interest on the entire amount (principal + interest).

The cycle continues to create a compounding effect as long as you remain invested. Thus, the phenomenon of compounding, often called the “eighth wonder of the world”, can significantly increase the value of investments over the long term.

What is the formula for compounding?

The formula for calculating compound interest is:

A = P(1 + r/n)nt


  • A is the future value of the investment/loan, including interest.
  • P is the principal investment amount (the initial amount of money).
  • r is the annual interest rate.
  • n is the number of times that interest is compounded in a period.
  • t is the time the money is invested or borrowed for, in years.

From the example above, let's assume you invest Rs. 10,000 for 10 years in an avenue that offers an annual interest rate of 10%.

Applying the compounding interest formula:

A = 10000 × (1 + 0.10/1)1 × 10

A = 10000 × (1.10)10

A = 10000 × 2.593742

A = Rs. 25,937.42 (approx)

So, the future value of your investment after 10 years, with compound interest, would be approximately Rs 25,937. Using this formula, you can see that in 20 years, the value of this future value of this investment becomes Rs 67,275.

The role of time in compounding

Time plays a critical role in compounding. The longer your money stays invested, the more time it has to benefit from the compounding effect. This is why starting early in your investment journey is often emphasized. Even with modest initial investments, the compounding effect over several years can result in substantial growth.

The compounding effect can be so powerful that it can sometimes outweigh the impact of returns achieved through more aggressive, but shorter-term, investment strategies.

Harnessing compounding for wealth-building

To fully harness the potential of compounding, it's essential to adopt a long-term investment approach. This means resisting the temptation to frequently buy and sell investments. Instead, focus on a well-structured, diversified portfolio and have the patience to let your investments grow over time.

Regular contributions to your investments, be it in mutual funds or other vehicles, can further help with the compounding effect. Additionally, consider reinvesting any dividends or interest earned, as this compounds your returns, accelerating your wealth-building journey.

To truly appreciate the impact of compound interest, let's understand the compound interest in investing and the various ways it can be used.

Mutual funds

Compound interest plays a central role in the world of investments. By reinvesting returns, dividends, and interest payments (if any) in the right avenues, your portfolio can experience exponential growth with time. This is especially the long term, where the compounding effect can lead to potentially substantial wealth accumulation.

Retirement planning

Compound interest is the key to a secure retirement plan. By starting to invest early and sticking to a regular investment schedule, you can harness the power of compounding to grow your wealth exponentially. The longer your money has to grow, the larger your retirement fund can potentially be.

Debt management

Understanding compound interest can encourage you to pay off your debt faster. Just like earnings can grow exponentially with time, compound interest also significantly increases the interest you pay on a loan. Paying extra instalments, increasing your EMIs or closing your loan early can save you a lot of money on interest in the long run.


In the world of investing, compounding is a tool that must be leveraged. Understanding its meaning and significance is key to making informed investment decisions. Mutual funds, with their professional management and diversified portfolios, can be an excellent vehicle for leveraging the power of compounding.

By starting early, staying committed to a long-term strategy, and reinvesting returns, investors can unlock the full potential of compounding and build a strong foundation for their financial future. Remember, time is your greatest ally when it comes to compounding, so start today and let your investments grow exponentially over time.


Do mutual funds offer compounding benefits?
Yes, mutual funds offer compounding benefits. When investors reinvest their earnings, such as dividends and capital gains, they purchase more units in the fund. Over time, these additional units can generate their own earnings, potentially leading to exponential growth in the long term.

How is compounding done in SIP?
In a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), investors regularly invest a fixed amount in a mutual fund. Each investment buys units, which potentially generate returns. These returns are reinvested to buy additional units. As this cycle continues, the compounding effect can result in significant long-term growth. Unlike in lumpsum, where the entire principal amount gets potential for compounded growth from the beginning of the investment period, in SIPs, the investment base increases with each additional instalment.